A village couple traveling on oxcart
A farmer with his oxen
A pair of oxen
A farmer feeding his oxen
Happy farmers
A farmer ploughing with oxen
A farmer with oxcart
A farmer with oxen
A farmer ploughing fields with oxen
A farmer ploughing with oxen
A farmer ploughing with oxen
Ploughing muddy field with oxen
A farmer with his oxen
A farmer with his oxen
Bullocks in a field
A farmer ploughing with bullocks
A village woman with cattle
A farmer ploughing with oxen
A farmer's oxen
bullocks in the farm
Bullocks on rest
A farmer with his oxen
A farmer with his oxen
Farmers plough the field with oxen
A farmer with his oxen
A farmer preparing his oxen
farmer with bullocks in the field
A farmer with bullocks
Farmers plough with oxen
A pair of bullocks
A farmer's bullocks