Low Res

Low Res

Uploaded On 3 February, 2021
Small (300px)
Medium (768px)
High (1024px)
Original File
photograph by
Abhinav Thakur


CC0 - Free to Use, Attribution Optional

Warning: exif_read_data(Low-Res-317998-pixahive.jpg): Process tag(x0000=UndefinedTag): Illegal format code 0x0000, suppose BYTE in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/pixahive/public/wp-admin/includes/image.php on line 848


Camera : ILCE-7RM3
Aperture : 4
Focal Length : 105
ISO : 4000
Shutter Speed : 1/100
Timestamp: 29 Jan 2021 @ 12:50 am

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